Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 17!

Day 17) Post 7 random facts about yourself!

1) My favorite color is red.
2) I hate liver and onions
3) I used to want to be a barrel racer
4) I always liked my small wrists
5) I love dancing
6) I suck at singing but that doesnt stop me from belting it out at home or in the car
7) I actually love being a mommy

Day 16!

Day 16) What is the one thing you havn't done that most people have?

Lived alone? Know what it's like to actually have a life outside of children? I have been raising kids since my mom left when I was 13, my dad worked the night shift so during the day he cleaned and left something for us to warm up to eat in the oven. The evenings were consisting of me handling my 2 yr old sister, 6 yr old brother and my 8 yr old brother. I had to make sure homework got done, showers taken and that they were in bed at a decent hour. Then at the age of 19 I welcomed my own daughter into the world and the process started all over again except this was my child. I couldnt pass her off to my dad and say hey Im gonna go out for a little while.

Day 15!!

Day 15) The last good deed you did for someone, or someone did for you?

The last good deed I did I would say is, helping one of my older residents learn how to work his computer. He wanted to email his daughters and grandaughters but didnt know how to work his email. So I went to his apartment walked him through it and then wrote all the steps down for him.

Last good deed done for me would be...My MIl buying the girls school supplies I of course am giving her half the money back, but then her mom the girl's Great Grandma went on an all out shopping spree and bought the girls (ALL 3) new clothes for school/daycare!!

That alone is enough for a mother to weep out of joy and gratitude!!

DAY 14!

Birthmarks, scars, tattoos or piercings?

Let's see I have one birthmark it is on the middle finger of my left hand, and YES I do enjoy flipping people the bird when they ask where my birthmark is. But on a serious note I remember being 6-7 and I was scrubbing my hands so hard and I finally burst into tears and my mom asks me what's wrong, i proceed to tell her somehow this dirt has stained me and I CANT GET IT OFF!! Of course she just laughs and tells me um..sweetie that is your birthmark it is not going to go away lol!!

Scars, I have a C-Section scar from where i gave birth to my 3 beautiful daughters, I have the scar across the bridge of my nose from where I recieved stitches, I also have one on the bottom of my chin which I have yet to get the story to.

Tattoos, I have 3! One across the bottom of my back also known as a tramp stamp it is a heart with tribal coming out the sides. I have one on my left shoulder that is chinese symbol for friendship. I have the unity symbol for sisters on the inside of my wrist, that all my SIL's have to match we just got different colors.

Piercings I have my ears and my no no pierced but the no no hardly gets a ring in!! :)

August Blog Challenge day 13!

Day 13 would your rather be rich or healthy?

I would rather be Healthy, what's the point of being rich when you wont be around to enjoy it or healthy enough to enjoy it. But then again maybe i can be rich and be able to pass it on to my children who would be able to benefit from it.

August Blog Challenge day 12!

Day 12) Write about your biggest accomplishment in life.

I would usually say oh that's and easy one, my kids! Wrong well they are 1/2 of  it lol, the other 1/2 would be my ability to live a life I can be proud of. I grew up with Alcoholics, drug addicts good parents but sometimes their priorities were a little blurry. I know I want my kids to be proud of their parents and not ashamed of how they grew up.

August Blog Challenge 11!

Day 11 The worst injury you ever had!

The only injury that I have had is my C-sections from having kids does that count? I have never had a broken bone, oOOh wait! I did have stitches across the bridge of my nose, I was playing hide and seek with my brothers and we had an above ground pool folded in half leaning against a fence. Well me and my 4 year old bright ideas decided to hide inbetween the folded pool and hit my face right on the edge and had to get stitches.

August Blog Challenge!!

Day 10 write about someone who inspires you.

Hmm...that's a good question. When I was asked this about 8 years ago I said my sister Hope, at the time she was the strongest girl I had ever known. She was born 4 months prem. she weighed in at 1lb 5 oz. Tiny tiny tiny little girl, she made it all the way till she was 2 months shy of her second birthday. She had every machine, tube, medicine you could never possible imagine being hooked up to a baby who may never even had a fighting chance.

I think I will continue with her story, because to this day she still inspires me to be a better mom, daughter and sister. When I got word about her birth I was 17 working the night shift at a corner store up the road from our house. I went to see my mom at the hospital since Hope was so little she was taken over to a different hospital that had a better NICU in it. I was angry with my mom, she didn't take care of herself knowing she was pregnant with my baby sister. She was an alcoholic and a drug addict. I forgive her now, but there is always that niggling reminder in the back of you head she chose those things over being a family. I know addiction is a sickness and some people do not have the strength to break from it's hold. Back to my sister, my mom bailed as soon as she was released from the hospital. I have known of one time she went up to the hospital to see her, other than that she pretty much  washed her hands of a baby this going to be very special needs. Hope was on a ventilator which later turned into a Trachea, she was on heart monitors due to holes in her heart. She had open heart surgery when she was just 2 months old. It was a success THANK GOD!! Well at the time I was in and out of the hospital visiting with her as much as I could. My dad in the meantime sat me down, he didn't know how he was going to be able to take care of such a sick child. He was telling me about how he was thinking of putting her up for adoption so that a family that had the means could take care of her. Now granted we had the same conversation shortly after my mom bailed on us kids.He was going to send us all to relatives houses (diff relatives) so that we can be taken care of he didn't know how to be a single father. I talked him out of that just as I talked him out of signing off on Hope. I told him we have been able to keep our family together through our strength and determination. There is no reason we can not take care of Hope and I wont hear of her being taken from us.

So then we both went up to the hospital, talked to Hope's Dr's and case workers. I don't think I ever felt so proud then when their faces reflected shock when my dad told them. So for the next year it was evenings at the hospital spending time with her, then the training began. We had to learn how to clean, replace,tubes her tr each. How to read the machines, administer medicine to her. Her feeding machines, tubes EVERYTHING! Once we were set to go on our training came the time to get her room together. We had a small 3 bedroom trailer out in the country. My dad moved to the living room, we got rid of his bed and dressers. We set up a crib, shelving for machines, medicines, bandages. I got to paint her room. I remember painting the ceiling blue and then having green paint and stamps that I put animals all over the ceiling for her to look at. I did a border around the room. I tried to make this crappy trailer and nice place for her to finally come HOME to. We had a nursing staff that was with her 24-7 for the first few months. Then their hours got cut and we had her anywhere form 2-4 hours by ourselves.

Then I graduated High School, she was there I still get teary eyed when I look at the picture and there she is front and center in her big stroller holding all her machines. You can tell I wasn't there that afternoon to get my other sister ready for the program since she had clearly NOT had her hair brushed. For graduation I got a plane ticket to visit my grandparents in Maine. I went filled with the excitement any 18 year old would have that hasn't been anywhere. I got the phone call about 5 days of being there. My dad sobbing uncontrollably on the phone I couldn't understand what he was saying, finally he took a breath and said "I'm sorry baby but she's gone, Hopie is gone". Still gives me goosebumps to this day. I was on the next flight home, filled with guilt about not being there when she passed i never got to say goodbye to her. When I left for my flight it was 4 am and the nurses were busy with her, and I was wrapped up in my own teenage head of having an adventure lie ahead of me. I got home, we went through the funeral proceedings, she now sits in a gold box with an angel on it. Of course there was an autopsy done, turns out her little heart just couldn't take anymore, she layed down for a nap that afternoon and just never woke up.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 9 30 day blog challenge

Day 9) What is your food philosphy?

Hmm..I dont have one. I love food, I don't diet, I don't over eat, I dont over feed my children junk food. I am horrible at eating snack cakes late at night. I usually only eat one meal a day. Not healthy no, but I forget to get "MY" lunch and breakfast stuff while im at the grocery store and I dont have the money to eat out everyday. So dinner is what I usually eat and then a snack cake later on before bed. Thats about it. I think I suck at this blogging stuff lol

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 2012 Blog Challenge

Day 8 How do you invision your life being in 5 years?

Hmm..Well more than likely my life will be just like it is now, maybe better? I will have 3 kids in school. I will be working my little butt off just to pay the bills. Married for about 11 years to Nick, wow 11 years!  Hopefully by then we are eaither owning our home, or in the process of buying our home. My girls will be excelling at school.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 2012 Blog Challenge

This will be about 4 days in one since I am so far behind!!!

Day 4 If you could rid the world of one thing what would it be?

My honest opnion would be any child abuser, whether it be sexually or physically. I wish there was a way god would know if that person was going to turn out that way and just strike them down. I know that's probably not a good view to have on things. It's so unfair for a child to suffer at the hands of a stranger, parent,uncle anyone for any reason. A child does not deserve that they didnt decide to come into this world on their own, YOU chose to have them and raise them and take care of them. Not abuse them and starve them. ARGH this is one of those subjects I absolutely hate reading about or hearing about.

Day 5 Post a picture of someone or something that made your day special.

I would have to say my girls, yes i get frustrated with them for not listening or fighting. They always always know how to make a bad day a great day. Whether its I love you mommy, or just snuggles in bed watching cartoons.

Day 6 If  you could spend 15 minutes with any celebrity who would it be and why?

Hmm...I honestly have never thought about that. I would some someone smart and insperational but I dont watch those shows (Oprah, Dr. Phil etc) But I guess I wouldnt mind spending 15 minutes with Carrie Underwood. I love her music, and I think she would be an awsome person just to meet.

Day 7 if you could live in any time period what would it be and why?

I dont the actually know the exact time frame, but when it was horse and buggy pettiskirts etc. I dont know but I love western romance books, and the movies and I think it would be awsome to live in that time period. Maybe the books and movies have made it better than what I would actually experiance but man, to meet some hot cowboy back then LOL!!!

OK, well those are my blog entries for all the days I have missed!! Hope you enjoyed!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

DAY 3 of August 2012 Challenge

The last movie you saw in Theaters?

WOW! I have not been to a movie theater in a goood long while. Hmm..this is actually a tough one, I think the last movie I went to see was one of the twilight movies with my BFF. We declared the dates that those come out to be our "girls night out". We didnt go see this last one in 2011 so I would say 2010 is the last time I have been to a movie theater! I declare it is time for eaither A) a girls night out or B) a date with the hubby!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 2 of 30 day August challeng

If you can give a newborn only one piece of advice what would it be?

Hmm..that's a good question, if I could offer a newborn one piece of advice I think I would say enjoy your life dont try to grow up to soon or to fast. Enjoy your teen years with friends, your 20's etc. Take time for yourself always!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 1 of 30 day blog Challenge Aug 2012

My Goals, for the month of August 2012!

I hope I can work on improving myself as a wife and mother, maybe take a little more time for intimacy in my marriage. Not neccisarily sex, just the cuddling, the time spent together just us. Hopefully with that I can reconnect with my husband of 6 years. I hope to be able to provide and stress less laugh more with my kids. Watch them grow with love and happiness that every child deserves.