Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2

Favorite memory of 2012....

I had alot of ups and downs in 2012, but I have to say my favorite memory is watching my girls get excited everytime Abi did a new thing. They want to mother-hen her so much its kinda funny. Then i feel bad that I ask them to keep an eye on her while I cook, or clean or Potty! But between giving birth to my 9lb baby, and watching my girls all grow and get excited with each of their new achievments that has to be my favorite memory of 2012.

January 1

January 1st

Hmm..I've been asked a couple of times this week alone what my new years resolution was. My awnser I didn't make one. Why? I don't keep them, I always say I want to get healthier or be happier or do something crazy. Yet..I just go on and live my life just like I did the year before. No drastic changes, nothing to commemorate me. Even though last year was a great year I gave birth to my last but not least baby girl Abigail. Her along with my two older girls bring me so much joy, and grief, and stress, and hugs smiles galor. I don't know if I am "me" anymore without them 3 with me. Maybe that's what my new goal should be, finding me again, making time for me besides when the kids go to sleep and I get my bubble bath and 30 minutes of TV before I pass out. hmm..Looks like by typing this out I may have made my new years resolution.